How to Avoid Tanking Your SEO During a Website Redesign & Migration

Last updated: Aug 23, 2023
10 min read
How to Avoid Tanking Your SEO During a Website Redesign & Migration

Embarking on a website redesign is both an exciting and daunting endeavor. While the allure of a fresh, modern design is undeniable, there's an underlying challenge that many overlook: preserving hard-earned SEO rankings. Dive into this comprehensive guide to ensure that your website's facelift doesn't come at the expense of its search engine visibility.

Is it a website redesign or a website migration?

In the dynamic world of website design and development, understanding the nuances between a migration and a non-migration project is crucial. Not only does it impact the project's scope and timeline, but it also has significant implications for search engine optimization (SEO).

When determining if a website design project is a website migration that requires SEO planning versus a non-migration project that won’t require as much planning in advance, there are several criteria to consider. Here's a breakdown:

1. Change in Domain or Subdomain

Migration: When a website moves from one domain to another, it's akin to changing your business address. Search engines need to be informed of this change to ensure that the site's authority and rankings are transferred to the new domain. Similarly, changing subdomains can affect how search engines perceive the site's structure and content.

Non-Migration: If you're merely updating the design or adding features without changing the domain, it's a non-migration project. The SEO implications are minimal, but it's still essential to ensure that on-page elements and content remain optimized.

2. Platform or CMS Change

Migration: Switching platforms or CMS (such as when migrating from WordPress to Webflow) can significantly impact a site's URL structure, meta data, and even content display. Such changes can confuse search engines if not handled correctly, leading to potential drops in rankings.

Non-Migration: Staying on the same platform means the underlying structure remains consistent. However, always ensure that any design updates don't inadvertently hide essential content or alter metadata.

3. URL Structure Change

Migration: Altering the URL structure can break existing links, both internal and external. This can lead to 404 errors, which harm user experience and SEO. Properly implemented 301 redirects are crucial to guide users and search engines to the new URLs.

Non-Migration: If the URL structure remains consistent, there's less risk. However, always be vigilant when adding new pages to ensure they're correctly linked and optimized.

4. Protocol Change

Migration: Moving from HTTP to HTTPS is now a standard practice for security reasons. However, it's essential to set up redirects and update the robots.txt and sitemap files to reflect this change.

Non-Migration: If there's no change in protocol, there's no direct SEO implication. However, it's always recommended to use HTTPS for enhanced security and trust.

5. Site Architecture or Hierarchy Change

Migration: A significant change in site architecture can affect how search engines crawl and index the site. It's vital to update the sitemap and ensure that all pages are accessible and optimized.

Non-Migration: Minor tweaks might not have significant SEO implications, but always test to ensure that all pages remain accessible to search engines.

6. Content Overhaul

Migration: Removing or consolidating content can lead to lost rankings for specific keywords. It's essential to evaluate the SEO value of content before making drastic changes.

Non-Migration: Regularly updating content is beneficial for SEO. However, ensure that updates enhance the content's value and relevance.

7. Change in Hosting or Server Location

Migration: A change in hosting can affect site speed and uptime, both of which are crucial for SEO. Similarly, changing the server's geographical location can impact local SEO rankings.

Non-Migration: Staying with the same host means stability, but always monitor site speed and uptime for optimal performance.

8. Mobile Configuration Change

Migration: With mobile-first indexing, switching between mobile configurations can have significant SEO implications. Ensure that the mobile experience is seamless and that content remains consistent across devices.

Non-Migration: Regularly test the mobile experience to ensure it aligns with best practices and offers a user-friendly experience.

9. Change in International Targeting

Migration: Altering international targeting can affect regional rankings. Ensure that hreflang tags are correctly implemented and that regional content is optimized.

Non-Migration: Regularly review international content to ensure it remains relevant and optimized for target audiences.

10. Change in Technology or Framework

Migration: Adopting new technologies, like moving to a single-page application, can affect how search engines crawl and index the site. Properly implemented SEO strategies are crucial for such transitions.

Non-Migration: Even if the technology remains the same, always stay updated with best practices to ensure optimal performance and SEO.

Common Mistakes to Avoid During Migrations

Migrations can be complex, and even seasoned professionals can sometimes overlook critical aspects. Here are some common mistakes to be aware of:

Not Setting Up 301 Redirects

Failing to set up redirects from old URLs to new ones can lead to a significant loss in organic traffic and rankings.

Ignoring Mobile Optimization

With mobile-first indexing, it's crucial to ensure that the mobile version of your site is fully optimized and offers a seamless user experience.

Not Testing Post-Migration

It's essential to thoroughly test the site post-migration to identify any issues that might affect user experience or SEO.

Overlooking Content

Migrating a site without ensuring that all valuable content is transferred can lead to a loss in keyword rankings.

Not Monitoring After Migration

Post-migration monitoring is crucial to quickly identify and rectify any issues that might arise.

Tools to Assist in Website Migrations

To ensure a smooth migration, several tools can assist in the process:

  • Semrush: A comprehensive digital marketing toolkit, Semrush offers a suite of tools tailored for SEO, including site audits, keyword research, and backlink analysis. For migrations, its site audit feature can be invaluable, identifying potential issues like broken links, duplicate content, and crawlability problems. With its vast database, Semrush also allows you to monitor keyword rankings pre and post-migration, ensuring you maintain your SEO foothold.
  • Ahrefs: Ahrefs is renowned for its advanced backlink analysis capabilities. When migrating, it's crucial to ensure that valuable backlinks pointing to your old site are not lost. Ahrefs allows you to monitor your site's backlink profile, identify top referring domains, and ensure that redirects are preserving the link equity. Additionally, its site audit tool can help pinpoint SEO issues that might arise during your website migration.
  • Screaming Frog: This SEO spider tool can crawl both your old and new sites, helping you identify discrepancies, broken links, and other potential issues.
  • Google Search Console: Monitor your site's performance post-migration. Check for crawl errors, submit your new sitemap, and keep an eye on your site's overall health.
  • Wheregoes Redirect Path Checker: Tools like this Redirect Path Checker can help you ensure that your redirects are set up correctly.
  • Server Log Analysis Tools: Tools like Loggly or Semrush's Log File Analyzer can help you understand how search engines are crawling your site post-migration.
  • Content Comparison Tools: Tools like Copyscape can ensure that your content remains consistent pre and post-migration.
  • Speed Test Tools: Tools like GTmetrix or Google's PageSpeed Insights can help ensure that your new site is optimized for speed.

Don’t panic: with proper planning, you can avoid SEO disaster when redesigning and migrating your website.

Website migrations, while complex, can be executed seamlessly with proper planning and attention to detail. By understanding the potential pitfalls and equipping yourself with the right tools, you can ensure that your site's transition is smooth and that your SEO efforts continue to drive results. 

Whether you're undertaking a migration or a non-migration project, always prioritize user experience and SEO best practices for long-term success.

A website redesign is more than just aesthetics; it's about ensuring continuity in your digital presence. By being proactive and informed, you can enjoy the best of both worlds: a stunning, user-friendly site that retains its SEO strength. 

Remember, in the digital realm, preparation and knowledge are your best allies. So, before you embark on your next redesign, arm yourself with the insights from this guide and ensure your SEO remains unshaken.

Need Expert Guidance?

Navigating the intricacies of a website migration can be overwhelming, especially when balancing the demands of design and SEO. If you're contemplating a redesign and want to ensure a seamless transition without compromising your search engine rankings, our team at Belt Creative is here to help.

As specialists in website migration and SEO, we have the expertise to guide you every step of the way, ensuring your digital presence remains robust and impactful. Don't leave your site's success to chance; get in touch with the experts at Belt Creative and let us help you plan a redesign that delivers results.

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